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Kratom Powder Success Stories: Our Way of Fighting Back

FDA war on kratom

Sharing your kratom success stories publicly is an important way for us to do our part in keeping kratom powder and kratom products legal in the United States. There are so many individuals choosing to leave the world of addiction behind with the help of kratom. However, not too many sites present the true scope of just how powerful of a weapon mitragyna speciosa truly is. Here at our mission is to offer the most extensive line of information out there and share it with the world. I have searched the web and found the best success stories out there to show the community just how beneficial kratom has been for others.

About the Author

By now you may be wondering who writes all this stuff! How do they know all this about kratom?  Does this person even use it themselves, and what is their personal success story??? There are many sites that are only out to make a buck and the writers are hired from all over the world. They typically have no personal experience with mitragyna speciosa or addiction, just the typical information they find from researching other sites. This is probably why there is so much information that seems similar. Not saying that every site is this way, but a majority are mere shadows of one or two main ideas. is not like any other site and our goal is to educate and empower evry user of kratom. Earlier in 2017, Ryan at the Botanical Education Alliance asked me to write them a story about how kratom has helped me. I was not expecting to ever make a spectacle out of my past, but that is just what happened. I never wanted to glamorize or share my setbacks and faults with the world, but then I realized that life is about overcoming obstacles. Everything negative that we go through can be turned around and used for good if we just choose to do so. It has really been an amazing journey.

I have decided to share my personal kratom success story and a few other kratom sucess stories I have ran across on various threads. This is somewhat hard for me to do, knowing just how judgemental some people are. My family still does not understand exactly how much kratom has helped me. For that reason I rarely step outside of my shell to talk publicly. This is largely due to the wealth of false information presented out there on the internet. Many people still believe that kratom is a drug, a dangerous opiate that will kill you. That is simply untrue. Instead of being proud of the accomplishment of ending my addiction and furthering my education, certain family members are still disgusted that I would use such a product. When in fact, their being proud of me was the ultimate reason I stopped. Had I not used kratom it may have never happened. Last week, to top everything off I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is an incurable, but otherwise manageable autoimmune disease that attacks virtually every organ. I continually battle inflamed joints, kidney stones, swollen lymph nodes and tons of other aches, pains and illnesses, but kratom has helped me to continue a productive life. Whereas it may be true that I just simply traded one addiction for another, but honestly I do not believe I am addicted…believe me I would know if I was! The general population does not understand how much kratom has changed the lives of countless individuals and my goal is to change that!

Why Share Our Personal Success Stories?

So why bother sharing these stories with people? Well this is the only way of preventing kratom from being made illegal. As of now, the kratom community is by far out of the woods and is facing more legality setbacks. The FDA and DEA once again initiating attacks on our beloved supplement, click here to see their latest ploy. To combat this, or even postpone the illegalization of kratom, we all must share our success stories publicly and with the DEA. I personally believe the FDA and DEA are threatened by the power of mitragyna speciosa. When taken responsibly it can change lives. The pharmaceutical industry knows they will lose billions in revenue in the process, and since money is the motivator, they want to end kratom use. Our only weapon is speaking out and not giving up without a fight.

“To Hell and Back: A Journey With Addiction”

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Heather, and I am a 40-year-old disabled mother of two beautiful children, who are my world. They are the ultimate motivating factor in the change I decided to make 3 years ago. I live in Bradenton, Florida and am currently enrolled in the Applied Psychology program at Hodges University in Naples, FL. My ultimate goal is to become a substance abuse counselor upon graduation and work with victims of sexual and domestic abuse because addiction stems from trauma. If we can solve or repair that damage, then maybe the lives of those people will forever be altered.

I am an average woman with far above average problems. Back in 2008 I was diagnosed with degenerative disk disease after a relatively small vehicle accident. That shocking diagnosis was the last thing I expected because I walked away virtually unscathed, or I thought. Perhaps a fractured or herniated disk, but not that! I was told I had to endure a spinal fusion if walking without aide was part of my future. I fell into the belief that without this surgery I was to be doomed; never imagining the hell that would follow afterwards. For three years in a row I spent a week in the hospital, undergoing each stay hours upon hours of implanting hardware and repairing the damage from the first botched surgery. The pain was unimaginable, both physically and mentally. You see I am also a sufferer of a few mental conditions combined with severe anxiety. ADHD, OCD…fun times! Having to quit my nursing career and become a couch potato was a far cry from what I had planned for my life. The loss of my new career was devastating. I had only been out of school and in my job for about a year and I had graduated with a 4.0 GPA. I  spent lots of time and money on my education. I was floored! The depression along with the stress of this situation spun me into a deadly cycle of addiction. The doctor was allotting me 40 hydrocodone per week, and 90 2mg Xanax bars per month along with countless muscle relaxers, antidepressants and other various pharmaceuticals. This may sound like overkill, but I assure you my body believed I needed more. My weekly script ran out merely days after being filled. I lived my life like this for almost a decade. Constantly worrying what would happen if I were forced to live a few days without my crutch. The fear of the withdrawal symptoms and the anxiety of thinking about coming off them was debilitating itself. My doctors assured me that stopping the Xanax would be detrimental to my health. They never informed me of the awful side effects that could occur when you suddenly stop taking the meds. Seizures were the main factor which scared me to death. The longest stretch that I was off any medications was probably two days, and the entire time I was a complete wreck. The vomiting, the pain I felt in every nerve, the inability to even get out of bed and get dressed was consuming. I knew in my heart something had to change before I ended up dead.

Approximately 3 years ago I was working a construction job, trying to do anything possible as a then single mom to pay the rent. I was stuck hours from home and without any pain killers doing physical labor most men coud not handle. A co-worker had a bag of kratom which he gladly shared with me from PA Botanicals. (You can follow the link and see my vendor review of their products.) I was like most of you, unsure about its effects but I was desperate and would have tried anything to make it through the week. One teaspoon in a half full bottle of orange juice would soon become a life changer. Immediately I felt the effects. A calmness came over me, and the pain in my back and legs had subsided drastically. I was flabbergasted that something LEGAL could aide me in such a dramatic way. Throughout the next few months I used kratom periodically, as a replacement only when I ran out of my scripts. Ending my affair with my meds was not on the table for me yet. I did notice though that when I ran out of pills and substituted kratom powder I had little to no withdrawal symptoms. No nausea, no panic attacks, I had a new-found energy to make it through the day and honestly, I felt better than had I taken a handful of narcotics. I began diligently researching this powder, not sure if it was a friend or foe. Most sites stated a wide array of side effects, with little to no help besides opinions. I knew it was used to treat the withdrawal symptoms of opiates and that sparked a fire inside. In June of 2016 I decided to wean myself off all medications, and free myself from a life of bondage. I cannot say it was simplistic, however without the use of kratom I never would have succeeded. For once in over a decade I am clean and sober! No pain meds, no anxiety meds or antidepressants needed to fulfill my life. I am a new creature and am blessed beyond measure to have separated myself from the path of destruction.

I am a huge advocate for the benefits of Mitragyna speciosa. I am not only free from addiction, but the pain is nothing like before. I can live a normal life without the fear of death or jail. My mind is fresh and crisp, not fogged up and stagnant any longer. I have been able to use my mind again and go back to school, eager to create a better future for myself and children. As with anything good, there comes a few roadblocks.  Now a new battle is taking place, one with the FDA and DEA. They believe it should be made illegal, and some states already followed suit. For those of us who use kratom regularly as a supplement, this is a devastating blow. We have all suffered enough with chronic pain, addiction, and red tape. To think we could possibly lose the one thing which truly helps is a terrifying truth we all solemnly face. To have something so beneficial be taken away will reverse any progress we have made in bettering our lives. Many of us will continue to buy from the black market, risking legal ramifications. Others will give up and go straight back to the doctors for their concoction of pharmaceutical prison. As for me, I am confident the DEA will overturn its decision and continue keeping kratom legal. The public outcry has been more than they expected. We are a strong and diverse group of people coming from all walks of life and social circles. We are not druggies, we are not losers or failures in life. We all want something that should not be governed, freedom! Freedom from the ailments which led us to kratom to begin with. The freedom to choose for ourselves how to manage our pain and symptoms naturally with a plant that was given to us for such a purpose by a divine creator. That is what we strive to achieve!


I truly hope my story inspires kratom users and addicts everywhere. Had it not been for kratom I am not sure where I would be. I am currently 70 hours into my degree and still maintain a 4.0 GPA. My main priority is, and will continue to be, is to maintain this site and write quality content in one centralized location. Kratom definitely gives me the added energy I need to complete all my daily tasks and still fish and spend time with my family. It is possible to stop opioids. It is hard but kratom truly helps make the process easier and manageable.

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