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Best Kratom for Energy: White Strain

Remarkable Herbs Thai Kratom Powder for sale

If you are looking for a strain of kratom that will give you tons of energy and increase your focus and mood, then the white strain is the way to go! Any strain of white is going to be the best kratom for energy, hands down! Remember, White for Flight, Red for Bed, Green for In-Between.

White Thai is my personal go-to when I am swamped with tests and assignments, on top of working and keeping up with housework. The white strain gives ample energy, eases chronic pain, and it helps the user to focus. All this from an all-natural source!

Naturally Enhance Mental Clarity

The white strain is a powerful nootropic, which means it is excellent for boosting cognitive function, attention span, memory, and mood. So it is an added bonus that it also boosts energy on top of mental clarity and efficiency. White strains are also mild analgesics so you are able to control pain while having extra energy. Unfortunately, the analgesic properties in white strains are far less than that of a green strain. You can click HERE to read my article on different strains and how they help different ailments.

Effects of White Vein/White Strain

White veins are known to be pretty powerful energizers, and it is reported at high doses that they give the user a sense of euphoria. It is considered a stimulant and considering it’s close relative is the coffee plant, that makes perfect sense.  Because of the stimulating properties found within all white strains of kratom, white veins are often used to treat depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and even narcolepsy.

The effects of white strains vary between individuals, because it is a very unique plant and no two people will experience the same effect off the same dosage. As with all strains, the level of effect will depend greatly on the overall health of the individual, the dosage taken, and the consumer’s tolerance level. In larger doses, some strains creat a sedating effect. It is important when looking for the best kratom for energy that you realize smaller doses always work best. Whites are great for improving memory and increasing concentration. Whites are never too powerful and only on rare occassions does the user experience any type of agitation or nervousness, which is typical of overstimulation. White strains are best noted to:

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White Thai Alkaloids

White Thai is considered the strongest among all the strains as a natural energizer and as a natural nootropic. Thai strains tend to have a higher level of mitragynine, which is the alkaloid responsible for energetic effects. The energy you get from White Thai tends to be much cleaner than that of caffeine or any other stimulants. The reason for this is the balancing of energetic and analgesic alkaloids. This perfect balance contributes greatly to its endurance promoting effects by increasing energy and dampening the overall pain response.

The alkaloid profile of white strains is unique. There is a vastly higher amount of mitragynine, and a lower amount of 7-hydroxymitragynine than what is found in traditional red veined or green veined strains. Also noted in white strains of Thai, there is far less speciogynine (a smooth muscle relaxer) and less ajmalicine (a anti-adrenergic sedative) than is found in red and green vein strains. This combination makes for a wonderful experience, full of energy and good mood! Click HERE to buy Thai kratom from our sister site, SalviaExtract.

Best Kratom for Energy: White Strain

In conclusion, there are several strains to choose from. Each strain holds a unique alkaloid profile, which in turn makes each strain best suitable for certain illnesses. For instance, red strains are best used for sedation and relaxation, whereas green strains are wonderful for treating chronic pain. White strains of kratom are excellent for naturally boosting energy and making you feel better mentally, and physically.

White strains are by far the best kratom for energy. Any strain where you can get a red or a green will usually come in a white. The leaf is what contains the alkaloids and depending upon how it’s harvested dictates the name. When purchasing a white strain kratom for energy, you will notice the label “Silver.” This Silver strain also refers to white strains. Click HERE to read more about the different strains.


FDA Required Disclaimer: The statements and products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The views in this article are of the writer only.


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