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Best Strain of Kratom for Opiate Withdrawal

If you are one of the millions of Americans suffering from opioid addiction, don’t fret, there is hope. I wanted to share with you the best strain of kratom for opiate withdrawal symptoms and opioid addiction, and how to use it to your advantage. After all, KratomUtopia’s main goal is To Help, To Educate, and To Empower!

Nation at Crisis

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 7 million Americans faced some sort of substance abuse addiction in 2014. Imagine how much this statistic has increased with the current opioid crisis, and we are looking at an astronomical amount of our fellow brothers and sisters suffering. In 2017, President Trump declared a public health crisis, stating the opioid crisis is costing taxpayers nearly $504 BILLION annually. Also in 2017, Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Maryland, and Virginia all issued individual State of Emergencies because of the severity they faced in each state.

If you are suffering, then you understand first hand how severe the issue of opioid addiction is and you don’t need startling statistics to encourage you to quit. Addiction ruins lives and destroys families. It is time we all fight back and claim our freedom from this awful disease. Red strains of kratom is the answer!

Personal Success

After decades of battling my own personal hell due to substance abuse and opioid addiction, I feel it necessary to share how I was able to leave it all behind. It wasn’t an easy road, but it is completely attainable with the help of kratom. To be exact, Red Strains of Kratom.

Red Maeng Da, Red Thai, and Red Borneo are all excellent for combatting opioid withdrawal symptoms. Mitragyna speciosa, when consumed in Red strains, has helped countless of individuals overcome addiction to alcohol, pain pills, and even benzodiazepines. You can click HERE to read my personal success story and see how much kratom has helped.

How Does Kratom Help With Addiction?

The mitragyna speciosa plant contains upwards of 25 to 40 different alkaloids. Depending upon the strain and the location of growth, some strains possess more or less of those specific alkaloids. These alkaloids bond with the human body’s opioid receptors without ever creating any long-term addictions or dependency issues. So despite what naysayers tell you, you are NOT trading one addiction for another! Click HERE to read what the FDA has to say about kratom, and why they are wrong for saying it.

Red strains of kratom tend to have a more relaxing impact upon key receptors over the green or white strains. This allows those key receptors, scientifically known as μ-opioid (mu-opioid) receptors, to return to their original state. That is important when first stopping opioids because the body almost goes into shock when you miss your regular dose. Kratom regulates these receptors while still battling the original pain and anxiety that caused the addiction in the first place. There is not a single other plant that I have found as of yet to be this beneficial to mankind. Red strains help to:

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How to Use Kratom for Withdrawals

First and foremost, it is crucial to understand that you should never take any substance while you take kratom! It is very unsafe to consume both, so a decision has to be made up front before you even consider taking the first dose of kratom. Once you decide to stop, then make sure your last dose of opiates leaves your system before beginning. I would give yourself at least 24 hours to ensure there will be no contraindications. You will know when you are clear because the withdrawals will begin. Nausea, vomiting, sweating and cramping, wanting to die…you know the drill.

Every individual is just as unique as each strain of kratom, so the dose must be tailored to fit the user. To be safe, it is always best to begin with the lowest dose possible and then work your way up. There is no exact science, so each person has to play around with dosage until they find what works. To begin, an adequate dose should be between 5 grams and 8 grams. Since you are attempting to counteract opiate withdrawals, the dose is remarkably larger than that of someone just taking it for pain or energy.

You can add the weighed out kratom powder into a bottle of juice, such as orange or grapefruit. For some reason, citrus seems to enhance the effects of kratom and also prolong the effects. Make sure you shake it very well! Coffee or hot tea also works well because the heat seems to melt it and makes it easier to tolerate. Yes, it is incredibly bitter! If you can get past the taste, then you are well on your road to recovery! To read more on different methods for taking kratom, click HERE.

Follow the schedule below over 7 days for best results:

We Wish You the Best!

In conclusion, you are already suffering. There is no reason to attempt ending this battle alone. Red strains of kratom are a remarkable ally when you decide to quit. It definitely is not going to be easy, but I guarantee you that adding kratom will greatly relieve your suffering while your body begins to regulate itself. Click HERE to search our sister site for a potent Red Strain kratom and begin your journey to recovery!


**FDA DISCLAIMER** The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.




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