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Kratom Reviews: Greg’s Botanical

Mitragyna speciosa, better known as kratom, has become the “go-to” source for natural energy and holistic pain relief alternative for millions of people worldwide. In the deep South, the “go-to” person for exceptional kratom is Greg Hernandez, owner of Greg’s Botanical.  Lately, with sales booming and so many online vendors to choose from, finding great kratom with excellent customer service both has been hard to find. Fortunately, last year I stumbled upon just that and rarely do I order from anywhere else. Any kratom connoisseur will be pleased that they found Greg’s!

Mitragyna speciosa is a family member of the rubiaecea species of plants, which are exclusive to the lush rainforests of Southeast Asia. Kratom is a very close relative of the coffee species. For countless generations the indigenous people of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other tropical areas in Southeast Asia have depended on this native plant primarily for producing natural energy, without any jittery side effects. It has been used similarly to how the rest of us consume coffee or even energy drinks.

Kratom is known for its potent anxiolytic and analgesic properties, replacing the need for anxiety and prescription pain medications for millions of individuals throughout the world. Within the past decade the remaining continents have began to benefit greatly from this miraculous plant, many people learning how beneficial it is in combatting the awful withdrawals from opioids, such as oxycodone and even heroin. With the boom of sales throughout the West, there has been a plethora of online stores claiming their “kratom is superb”, or my favorite, “the best price anywhere”, and it truly is disheartening when you have waited any length of time on a product that is a waste of money and is bunk. It has become my personal mission to educate the community on which vendors are worth your time, and the ones you should steer clear of altogether.

Greg’s Botanical, located deep within the heart of sunny Tampa Bay, Florida, is my personal favorite among the numerous vendors I have encountered in my 5-year kratom journey. Greg Hernandez, the proprietor of Greg’s Botanical, is not merely just a vendor, he is also vetted. Vetted vendors send samples of each strain to leaders of the kratom community, along with ample paperwork showcasing not only the potency, but proving mitragynine and other key alkaloid levels. In other words, being vetted means that respected leaders of the community have tested the vendor’s product in all areas: Price, Potency and Professionalism. Greg at Greg’s Botanical, surpasses everyone in all those areas! Recently Greg teamed up with Natures Garden Lab, who has an equally impressive background.


No matter the product, whether it may be CBD oil, kratom powder, or akuamma capsules (excellent for a natural sleep-aid), I have never had an issue with any of Greg’s products being old or of poor quality. His strains are ample potent, and always the freshest of anywhere, even fresher than buying it from the local brick and mortar store! When the kratom powder sticks to the spoon upon consuming, it is sort of a static electricity test, that’s how you know it is extremely fresh. Some vendors buy in bulk and if that certain strain doesn’t sell right away, then they are forced to sit on it and over time it becomes gritty and grainy and loses quite a bit of the alkaloids that are so desired. The only issue I have ever had with any of Greg’s kratom was that it was too potent at times, something that is really no issue at all! 10/10


Greg’s Botanical offers expedited shipping on all orders, and typically my order is received within 2 days of me ordering. It may help that I live merely an hour away, but I have also seen many other consumers on various forums and Facebook who say the same thing. They may be across on the West Coast and still receive their shipment within 3 days. The only issue with ship is that if a product is out of stock it may take much longer, but isn’t that to be expected? Greg always personally goes above and beyond to ensure his clients are happy! 10/10


Greg is unlike most vendors, he has old school manners and takes pride in his business and personally handles all customer complaints instead of passing the buck to someone else. Any questions or concerns are always addressed immediately, and he goes above and beyond to make sure his customers are happy before the transaction is complete. I have searched YouTube, Reddit, and Facebook and have yet to find anything negative from other consumers. In fact, any problems were handled directly by Greg himself and the customer left satisfied. Many of his customers are in his Facebook group, which can be joined at, and each member is taken care of. Greg even holds contests for free kratom on occasion, which not only boosts sales, but the personal interaction he gives each customer makes a huge difference. With Greg’s company motto being “People Over Profits,” one would not expect any less. 10/10


Greg’s website, has an elegant yet professional appearance and is very easy to navigate. His products are simple to find under each category, complete with good quality photos of almost everything. There is always some sort of coupon on the Home screen which instantly gives a discount to all customers, another rarity and huge bonus. The only issue I have had is when I wanted to place an order, there was no way to add any product to my cart and I spent almost 30 minutes searching through various products for a way to add anything at all to the list. That has never happened before, so perhaps it was just an issue with my computer. Frustrating, but I asked why it was that way and the issue was immediately addressed. I was told there was maintenance on the site and it would be resolved in a matter of days. So once again, Greg stepped up in a timely fashion! 7/10


Greg’s Botanical offers a vast selection of kratom and other ethnobotanicals, such as Himalayan shilajit and akuamma powder. I will be trying out the new Indian Warrior he has on sale now for sleep once it returns to stock. He has ample strains of kratom to choose from, with literature and real customer reviews under each one to ensure the patron upon purchase that they didn’t choose wrong. After reading the reviews on various sites, it seems the favorite among his clients is the Super Green! He allows split kilos as well, which is handy for those who like to buy a larger supply but not be confined to just one strain. Usually I will get a Super Green and a Red of some sort and alternate them. The ability to split a kilo is perfect for us who like diversity. 9/10


Greg’s Botanical accepts all the major credit and debit cards, such as Mastercard, Discover and Visa. He also accepts PayPal and now BITCOIN. JSE Coin, and Ethereum have been added as payment methods for the tech-savvy individual. 10/10


People all over the internet have nothing but excellent things to say about Greg’s Botanical, and his quality of product. His prices are reasonable, and they are quite a bit lower than most other online kratom vendors. His Super Green and Bentuangie are the class favorites, and he offers a special product called “Botanical Boost” to add to your kratom regimen. The “Botanical Boost” is made up of cayenne, turmeric, dlpa and proprietary blend, and it offers the consumer added potency and maximum length when taken together.

In conclusion, there are a plethora of online kratom vendors promising their superior product and pricing, but not all vendors truly qualify to have that statement. Greg’s Botanical is a steady 9/10 on my rating scale and is for sure a name you should familiarize yourself with if you enjoy awesome kratom at great prices! 9/10 OVERALL SCORE!!

Disclaimer**The opinions in this review are just that, opinions. The author was not paid in any monetary form or for trade of products in return for a positive review. All statements about ethnobotanicals are those solely of the reviewer and have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
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