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Kratom Reviews: Remarkable Herbs

Remarkable Herbs Kratom Review

Malaysian and Maeng Da strains from Remarkable Herbs are displayed

Kratom Reviews: Remarkable Herbs

Have you ever wondered how well Remarkable Herbs fares among the numerous products available in the kratom community? Look no further, we have you covered with this in-depth Remarkable Herbs Kratom Review and other kratom reviews! Walking into any brick and mortar store in North America, you will surely notice the premier brand selling on the shelves is Remarkable Herbs. Out of the 7 local stores in my area selling kratom, Remarkable Herbs was found in 6 of the 7.  In most cases, the vendor was only offering Remarkable Herbs as the exclusive choice. With this brand being the premier option for most stores, it makes sense to do an unbiased and honest Remarkable Herbs kratom review. Recently I was given samples and asked to review their Maeng Da and Malaysian strains. Here at, our mission is to educate all users on everything mitragyna speciosa related, and of course we want to give everyone the best advice on which vendors to buy from, or steer clear from with our kratom reviews.

What is Kratom?

So, what is kratom? Mitragyna speciosa, otherwise known as kratom, is a deciduous evergreen exclusive to the rainforests of Southeast Asia. It is very closely kin to the coffee plant. Mitragyna speciosa gives the user effects somewhat similar to coffee, only amplified. Millions of Americans use kratom religiously for relieving chronic pain and inflammation, as well as boosting energy and improving cognitive function holistically. There are many more benefits besides the ones I just mentioned, please Click Here to find out all the miraculous benefits that each individual strain of kratom can give!

Is Kratom Safe?

If you have never heard of kratom, then you are probably confused about what it does and where it originates from. Understandable, as most people only know about kratom from what the internet says. Unfortunately, many also believe the FDA and DEA when they say it is deadly and destructive. Everyone wants to be able to trust their government, right? The DEA and FDA have been causing misconceptions the last couple of years in an effort to thwart the average consumer from giving kratom a fair chance. Because of vicious attacks against consumers and store owners, kratom has unfortunately been given a negative reputation. That could be further from the truth. As an everyday user for several years, I can honestly say that is not the case. Click here to read my testimony and see just how much kratom can benefit your life. Countless individuals have used kratom safely, and only four deaths have been reported. Even then, narcotics were found in the system of the deceased. With that being said, no one can truly blame kratom.



The quality of Remarkable Herbs greatly depends on where you purchase it. The two bags I recieved were somewhat fresh and much better than kratom I have purchased from the gas stations or smoke shops in the past. On a few occasions when I was out of my regular vendor’s kratom, I bought from stores that obviously had not sold many products. The dust on the price tag was a dead give-away! Since there are no “Sell-By” or “Born-On” dates like Budweiser, one can never truly predict how old their kratom is until it is opened and tasted. Both the Malaysian and Maeng Da I received straight from the vendor were equally fragrant and tasted pretty fresh. It was somewhat grainy and the texture was pretty thick compared to other powdery-fine brands. It slid right off the spoon when doing the spoon test. Click the link to read up on what the spoon test consists of. As for legs, the effects seemed to last only an hour or so and I found myself having to dose far more often than I wanted to obtain relief from my chronic pain. But, as I said, it would do fine if there were no other options and you needed fast relief. The Malaysian strain seemed to last a bit longer, with the bag showcasing an alkaloid level of Mitragynine at 1.5% and 7-OH Mitragynine at .05%. The Maeng Da displays Mitragynine at 1.3% and the 7-OH Mitragynine at 0.45%. It is funny how such a small fraction of a difference in alkaloid levels can cause such a contrast in effects and how long the effects last. 6/10

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Since it was sent to me for reviewing, I cannot say honestly how the delivery time was. Upon reading Reddit reviews and YouTube comments, the consensus is that their pretty good with online delivery orders if you buy direct from their site. Otherwise, the only way to purchase their products is through stores and shops or other various websites which host their products. For this reason, out of fairness I score it in the middle. 5/10


Customer Service is hard to judge as well considering they mainly wholesale their kratom to stores and online vendors. Because I see nothing negative, it is only fair to rate it in the middle since I have nothing suggesting either way. 5/10


Their site, which is located at is pretty simple and very easy to navigate. Although under the products which they sell, it is very difficult to purchase anything. The Mitragyna Speciosa link only hosts a large picture of several pre-bagged strains , yet there is no way to click anything had I wished to purchase. I suppose if one cares to order, they must contact the seller and ask for pricing. Very frustrating if you wanted to buy right then! Having to click the “Contact Us” button and fill it out, only to be at the mercy of the person on the other end is not worth the hassle. Especially when you can go to any convenience store or head shop locally and buy on the spot. You will pay outrageous prices, but at least you will leave with product in hand. 4/10


Just by looking at the pictures, which unfortunately is the only way to tell what strains they carry, it shows they have your usual favorited strains:

It is difficult to read all the bags, and of course no one can tell which color strain it is. Kratom always comes in a Red, Green, or White. Labeling the bags better to ensure the buyer which strain they are recieving would be much more beneficial for both the seller and the buyer. Click Here to see which strain is good for individual ailments. 3/10


From the various comment threads on Reddit, YouTube and Facebook, it is the general concensus that this is fairly decent kratom. Nothing fancy, but in the event of an emergency it will suffice. Most consumers agree that the price is astronomical, and the quality is…well, somewhat fair. It is one of those emergency kratoms that I would only buy if there was absolutely no other choice at the time and I was hurting pretty badly. Almost every customer of Remarkable Herbs agrees with that. Fortunately,  there are many other options available when purchasing kratom. You can follow the links to read my reviews on Greg’s Botanicals or PA Botanicals.


Remarkable Herbs seems to be a wholesale vendor exclusively. They cater to convenience stores and head shops. They also cater to individual vendors who wish to make money without having to worry about packaging kratom from bulk themselves. That makes sense, as their packaging is very nice and each package is securely sealed when it comes to you. This ensures freshness and no issues with FDA or customs. The labels are clearly written and mitragynine levels are displayed on each bag. It would be nice to know which strain you are buying, other than just the region. The quality is fair, but you will have to double up on doses and take it far more than anticipated to feel the same effects of high-quality kratom. You will definitely pay for this convenience. The pricing is fair on their site, but that is if you want to wait for a reply from them. No telling how long that may be. Personally, I like buying immediately and having something to show for it. All in all, this is a good kratom for when there are no other vendors available at that time. It’ll do in a tight spot, but definately not a full-time vendor.





Disclaimer**The opinions in this review are just that, opinions. The author was not paid in any monetary form or persuaded by the trade of products in return for a positive review. All statements about ethnobotanicals are those solely of the reviewer and have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Mitragyna speciosa, kratom, has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration to treat or diagnose any illness or disease. All opinions are the sole responsibility of and its affiliates.
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